Fernando Rivas, Kenosha, WI
Profession: Electronics Tech
Guitar Lessons: 2018 - 2022
Shows Played: 6
Songs Played Live: 38
Songs Recorded: 22
“I had already been casually playing guitar on and off when I was in high school, so I was not new or clueless, but I had never really committed yet. When I first went to Mike Walsh’s for the consultation,
before I even took my first class, Mike already made me better at guitar. I am not exaggerating. The
following years, I spent going to Mike’s lessons, as well as taking what Mike taught in class and applying
it at home during my own practice sessions. It is not enough for a teacher to know the theory, or even to
just show you themselves putting it to practice. What is also needed is the ability to break down the
theory in a way a student can understand and absorb it, and to break down the exercises that will
develop the physical skills for the student to take that theory and manifest it into reality, as well as
keeping them motivated to continue and commit. Mike Walsh does exactly that, does it well, and he
never seems to stop coming up with ways to improve. This becomes much more obvious remembering
where I was when I first started Mike’s classes versus where I am now. You cannot go wrong by choosing
Mike to learn from. Do not just take it from me; see for yourself. To say it is worth it to take some time
to go talk to Mike and see what it’s all about would be an understatement.”