Thomas Brennan, Buffalo Grove, IL
Profession: Investment Manager
Guitar Lessons: 2018 - Present
Shows Played: 4
Songs Played Live: 17
Songs Recorded: 8
“I started lessons with Mike one year ago after a 20 year hiatus from picking up a guitar. I never made any significant progress playing guitar as a teenager, as I did not take lessons nor did I devote time. I was concerned that it was too late - I have young kids and a demanding job. I have pleasantly surprised with how taking lessons with Mike has turned a potential hobby into a real passion.
Mike’s approach has been integral to turbocharging my passion for the guitar. He brings a genuine approach to bringing out our best while teaching us concepts through learning to play songs we enjoy. The time I’ve dedicated to practice has varied from a couple of hours in a given week to some weeks of no practice at all due to my family/work responsibilities. There were even some lessons I missed entirely and had to reschedule. Despite the ebbs and flows, my progress has been incredible. I attribute so much to the lessons and its content combined with Mike’s passion and style.
My wife complimented some of my practice the other day by saying “if you sound this much better after one year, I can’t imagine how you’ll sound next year.” I’m excited to find out!“