John Wynn, Hawthorne Woods, IL

Profession: Lawyer
Guitar Lessons: 2018 - 2021
Shows Played: 2
Songs Played Live: 8
Songs Recorded:

“Mike has created a music program that represents great value and is flexible and effective: all critical elements to me when I decided to take guitar lessons two years ago, at 60. This is not your run-of-the-mill guitar lesson!

When I compared the cost of Mike's program to other lessons I realized that, over the course of a year, I would get more time playing in front of Mike than I would with another teacher. Mike is well organized and he works hard every week to make the very most out of every in person lesson and provide proprietary materials to practice between lessons There is no down time when you are with Mike and I feel the real value in the program is the potential for discernible progress week over week.

Mike's program covers guitar technique, music theory, Guitar Gym, modern day songs and rhythm. Through Mike's approach I have found learning chords, keys and scales in the context of overall chord theory is simpler than flat out memorization. Guitar gym exercises and Super Shred sessions, all in particular keys, get my old fingers and brain up to tempo with the additional benefit of learning the fretboard. Mike's state of the art studio allows all students to see and hear how they are playing. It is difficult to quantify the value of objective monitoring of progress and development, but, the camera and recorders don't lie. On top of all this, Mike arranges and hosts live rock & roll shows where all students perform in front of friends and families, under show conditions!

Perhaps what I enjoy most is the community of student musicians Mike has grown and nurtured. Mike sets the tone for this group and all are committed to learning music, supportive of one another and always ready to try the next riff.“